My name is Kelly Sutton. I’m a software engineer living in Seattle. I’m the CTO and co-founder of Scholarly Software. Previously, I was on the engineering team at Gusto.
I’ve started and sold Designer News, HackCollege, and LayerVault. I was also known at one time for the Cult of Less.
If you would like to get in touch, please drop me an email.
Below are a few blog posts I’ve written over the years.
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Why Finish Technical Migrations?
It Has Been Zero Days Since…
So You Want to Store a File…
Weekly Updates
Testing Performance
Sustainable Changes
Enumerate the Options
From 25 Minutes to 7 Minutes: Improving the Performance of a Rails CI Pipeline
How to Break Apart a Rails Monolith
Taming Large Rails Applications with Private ActiveRecord Models
A Framework for Making Technology-Product Decisions
Keep All Commits Green
A Vacancy Has Been Detected
Ex Post Facto Testing
3 Best Practices for Rails Engines
This One Technology Will Solve All of Your Problems
Taming Monoliths without Microservices — Rubyconf AU 2019 Talk
Better Code Through Mutation Testing
Activities for Encouraging Feedback on Your Team
Receiving Feedback
Giving Feedback
Feedback for Engineers
8 Tips for Great Code Reviews
Same as It Ever Was — EmpireJS 2018 Talk
Simple Made Easy: Imperative Loops vs. Set functions
The Teeth
Simple Made Easy: Methods vs. Functions
Simple Made Easy: State vs. Values
I’ve Made a Huge Mistake — GoRuCo 2018 Talk
How This Blog is Built
Refactoring: Remove Mixin
In Pursuit of Correctness
Rails Callbacks Flatten Layered Architecture
Year in Review, 2017
Refactoring: Removing Tangled Control Coupling
Quantifying Technical Debt
Exercises to Deepen Your Understanding of Legacy Code
Embracing Functional Programming in Ruby
Comment Drift
A Reading List
Building a Briefcase that Deploys Code
Test Vices
Extreme Programming Explained
Count the Contexts
Refactoring: Replace Side Effects with Return Values
Domain-Driven Design
Design Pressure
Outside In, or Inside Out?
Do We Need GraphQL?
A Ruby Gem: strict_templates
Visualizing a Job Search or: How to Find a Job as a Software Engineer
Side Project: Puppy Alert!
A Real-time Recipe for Rails and Ember using Pusher
Side Project: Personal Network
Something Fun: The Search Continues
Book Review: Never Eat Alone
Generating Color Utility Classes in SASS
Why Do Developers Hate LinkedIn?
Book Review: Winning with Data
Boiling the Ocean with Markup
Last Day at imgix
Startup Theory of Relativity
Monoliths, Microservices, and MVCx2
Rethinking Static Sites
Joining imgix
Hype Train, April 2015
Avoiding component “action cruft” in Ember
Public Drafts with Jekyll
Unit Testing Ember Controllers backed by Ember Data
Google Fiber and the 15-Year Plan
The Future of Retina Images on the Web
Length Over Strength
Abstracting Energy
Defining a Decade
Making the Jump
12 Steps to Writing Better Web Code
Staying Fast
Why Don’t Developers Dress Better?
Your Idea is Terrible
Ideas Aren’t Worthless
LayerVault is a Strange Loop
My Initial Take on FCP X
Friendly Competition in Startups
Fixing Computer Science College Education